Is It Possible To Overdose On Marijuana?


Straight up: is it possible to overdose on marijuana? 

It is extremely rare that someone "overdoses" on marijuana as they would on opioids or alcohol, because THC is not a central nervous system depressant - in other words, it does not slow and stop your breathing.  However, it is very possible to have acute marijuana toxicity and die to related causes - documented cases include death by dehydration from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS; uncontrollable vomiting) and suicide during a marijuana-induced psychosis (MIP). Today's high-potency marijuana makes both CHS and MIP far more likely than they ever were in decades past - this was highlighted in a recent article on CNN.

What are the signs of acute marijuana toxicity?

There are a number of signs of acute marijuana toxicity, sometimes called "greening out" in its milder form, and they most commonly include nausea, anxiety, paranoia, lethargy, and dizziness.  There was a recent study that addresses this directly from poison control data in Oregon and Alaska - marijuana overdose events have increased dramatically over the years, particularly in states that have commercialized such as Colorado and Massachusetts.  

It's also worth noting two other signs of THC overdose: cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) and marijuana-induced psychosis (MIP).  CHS is a condition characterized by uncontrollable vomiting combined with severe abdominal pain, generally for a number of hours but less than a day.  MIP can either be transient (brief psychotic episode) or persistent (schizophrenia or another psychotic condition), and is strongly associated with THC concentrate use.  ED visits tripled in Colorado after legalization largely because of these two conditions.

What should someone do if they suspect they or someone else is “overdosing” on marijuana?

If you believe you or someone you are with is having acute cannabis toxicity, it is always safest to present to an urgent care or emergency department.  In the event of CHS you need to ensure you stay hydrated (otherwise it can be fatal), and keeping an individual safe is paramount in the event of a psychotic break.

If you need help, more information is available on my website related to working with me for online addiction counseling for marijuana – in addition to my concierge therapy practice, I also have a small in-network practice with Equipoise Teletherapy in Chicago. I also provide non-clinical parent coaching services upon request. For any other questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly!


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